Comments of Appreciation

  • "The books have been great in helping the children take 'time out' from the devastating effects of domestic abuse, and have given them time to experience stillness and peace in a turbulent time in their lives.’

    — Books at Bedtime Reader

  • "I am so grateful to be able to go inside and discover my true self every day of my life. If I do not begin my day with this real experience of self, and as a result inner peace, I get lost amongst the flotsam and jetsam of the stuff that is going on in my life like a boat on stormy seas without a rudder."

    — Practitioner of Peace

  • “It doesn't matter what sort of day I am having, whenever I start reading any part of this book it immediately connects with the part of me that matters, with the part of me that is the real me. And the real me is always looking for hope, happiness and contentment, so the book reminds me of my true nature and that is very important in today's increasingly crazy world. "

    — Reader, ‘Hear Yourself’

  • "Knowledge gives me a balance and perspective that enables me to experience a deep feeling of well-being that’s not dependent upon the things that fluctuate in my life, it’s an anchor that sees me through life’s stormy days that spurs me on to find peace."

    — Practitioner of Peace

  • "You have strength inside to deal with what comes your way. From losing everything (to drink) you can turn inside and become a better person if you choose to make the change."

    — Bedrock Books Reading Group participant, Drug & Alcohol Rehab

  • "When you choose gratitude in your life each day in the morning before you go out, it’s like having had a big bowl of Ready Brek and having a strong warm glow where nothing affects you and any troubles just slide off you."

    — Bedrock Books Reading Group participant, Drug & Alcohol Rehab